
The product SECRETO VIBAAC, batch not indicated, after a contact time of 2 hours, requested by the customer, presents an antiviral activity against Influenza A Virus (H3N2) (A/Hong Kong/8/68 H3N2) (ATCC VR-1679) of Mv = 2.47 and an antiviral activity against feline Calicivirus of Mv = 2.33, with respect to untreated parts immediately after inoculation, when the activity is evaluated in accordance with the PROCEDURE DESIN-5515, based on the ISO standard 18184: 2019and NF STANDARD EN 14476: 2013 + A2: 2019.

The antiviral activity (Mv) is greater than 2, so it can be concluded that the product SECRETO VIBAAC, batch not indicated, shows a good antiviral effect against the influenza A virus (H3N2): A/Hong Kong/8/69 (ATCC VR-1679) and against feline calicivirus, when the activity is evaluated according to the internal procedure DESIN-5515, based on ISO 18184: 2019 and NF EN 14476: 2013 + A2: 2019.

The percentages of reduction obtained for both viruses when compared with the virus recovered from the control parts, without antiviral product, immediately after inoculation are:

  • Influenza A (H3N2): 99,68 %.
    Calicivirus felino: 99,47 %.

This report replaces the one previously sent (D/20/963) because the client has requested that the results be expressed as a percentage reduction.

Note 1: The results obtained correspond to the product received in this laboratory

Note 2: Information that depends on the information received from the customer and is not provided by it, displayed as “not provided”

Bétera (Valencia) a, August 5, 2020.


  • ISO 18184: 2019 Textiles – Determination of antiviral activity of textile products.
    NF EN 14476: 2013 + A2: 2019 Guideline. Virucidal quantitative suspension test for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in human medicine. Test method and requirements. (Phase 2/Step 1). AFNOR,

DESIN-5515-b// ISO 18184: 2019 y EN 14476:2013+A2:2019 N° de registro: D/20/963-2

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Valencian Institute of Microbiology